Profone tracker database update

So as you may want to know, I have just made a major update to my database, just a regular increment in cell phone tower entries (over 2 million cell sites).

As I stated earlier, I have been doing major update to the database biannually, each time about a few millions of cell sites or WiFi Access Points will be added. In addition, minor update will be made now and then, a few hundred or thousands of base stations or WiFi APs will be added.

You can get some detailed info here, I provide some rough data on the quantity of cell sites and WiFi AP in database, and these data will be updated in a timely maner.

I also provide a MCC or country broken down of cell towers in a chart. The chart is usually listed in the ascending order of MCC. However, you can get a descending order by the quantity of cell towers owned by each country. Just click on the arrow next to cell tower.

I generally won’t write about database update in my blog, instead I will announce them on my Facebook page. However I been having a hard time connect to Facebook, and this happens a lot. So I sometimes prefer to share with you here. You may also notice I do not write on, that is because I have decided to use this blog as the official website for Profone tracker and I provide my tools in other languages here too. I will give more details later.

I may write tech only stuff on